Sunday, December 14, 2008

Haven't posted in a while. My bad. Surprisingly, my time has been spent doing other useless things :) The internet at our flat has finally given out, but I can't be mad since I steal it from the neighbors. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted. Now I'm at an internet cafe down the street from my flat drinking tea and eating the largest, crustiest, fluffiest croissant I've ever eaten in my life and I'm roaming facebook... naturally. What's NOT natural is that I leave tomorrow morning at 9:30am. Rude, if you ask me. My time isn't up here. I don't think my leaving should be forced, but whatever. Not my decision. All in all, London has been incredible, as was our dinner-limo-club excursion last night that now results in my lack-of-a-voice. HOT. I didn't hit up the dinner, but from what I hear, it was fab. Speaking of fab, I've been to some fabulous places that I have yet to talk about, the best [aside from Portugal] being France. That includes both Nice and Paris. I need to hit up Euro-town again rulllll soon. For my mental health, if anything. My only wish would be to have more money so I could do A LOT more shopping, but that's always my wish whether I have money or not. My time is running out here, so I must leave. I kinda also have to poop... effects of that croissant. Just know that todays agenda includes:

the greatest fish and chips in the world
meeting my british cousin Annis at Bond Street (you can laugh at her name, I did.)

peace out, girl scouts.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

For the FIRST time since I got here, I'm feelin' a little homesick. My trip here has undeniably been amazing and I still will cry when I have to leave, but... I'm starting to miss home. My brain is a little foggy at present, and for the next week, I will focus on de-fogging it by taking a lot of outings on my own. Solo. Listening to good music. Seeing sights I haven't yet seen. Shows. Museums. Everything. I'm an independent person, but I can get dependent on others when I'm not careful, and that's exactly what has happened. I need to remember that I don't need to be needed, and everyone else has their own agenda, too. I'm not tackling London the way I had planned, and with a month and a half left on the ticker, I might as well start ASAP.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


With negative numbers in my bank account and hardly any contact with the rents over-seas, I am now officially poor. Sadly, this means no all-you-can-eat pizza tonight. I want to cry.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bad Day.

I feel so naive for not seeing this coming. It was bound to catch up to me sooner or later, and today I realized I couldn't maintain a blind eye to the matter any longer. What matter exactly? DEBT. Much to my chagrin, the horoscope that I read obsessively each month has come true, despite my praying that for some reason, there might be a glitch in the reading. I owe so much money, to so many people... it's overwhelming. Apparently I have to pay $100 for my Amsterdam living situation, 60 pounds for my oyster, 455 pounds to my landlord, $600 to my BANK... until I can muster up $450, my computer will remain at the Apple headquarters in Oxford Circus. Let's be real here, I'm stuck in a shit position right now. The only thing I was able to "pay" back today were my two wayyyy overdue library books. I found all of this out TODAY. All within the last 10 hours. I also need money to survive here in London, mind you. My groceries are quickly disappearing. To add insult to injury, my "calling credit" as the automated voice on my phone calls it is running low, and as soon as I stepped foot outside of the ICLC, it started raining. Then as I was walking home, a speeding car drove past a puddle which sprayed water all over me. Then I broke a glass bottle on the kitchen floor and couldn't fully clean it up because we just ran out of paper towels and I couldn't find our broom. I hope this makes you feel better about your life.

Bad, bad day.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

ROMA: Land of the Communists.

Fall break for the lovely ladies at the Abbey was... an adventure. A long, fun, crazy, messy, somewhat spiritual adventure. Good for us. It was SO much of an adventure that I'm going to split up our week long journey into 4 blogs: Rome, then Florence, then Venice, then Nice & Monaco.

I'm also aware that my entries have been rather sporadic over the past few weeks. Tomorrow, if everything goes as planned, I will get my computer back. That means more entries more often. Yayy.

Alright. So. RB came, thank GOD. He stayed for about a week and a half, not long enough if you ask me. We love us some RB, so the entire week was too much fun. We went to museums, an opera, a couple shows, Wagamama's (mmmmm...), the pubs, and FABRIC!! That place is one giant euro-acid trip. He also experienced my first British fish n' chips meal! De-lish. We got some great usage out of our hookah, ANDDD we had a photoshoot on the tube! Can you honestly say that you've ever stepped foot onto an empty tube car... kinda drunk? We had to jump on this rare opportunity, and the results are fantastic. BETTER. That was the night we were supposed to go karaoke-ing, but ended up at some chinese restaurant in the middle of Leichester Square... oops. We also finally toured our area and discovered some gems about the West Hampstead area, such as The Lion and PIZZA EXPRESS!!! My life gets better and better. I don't know how we booked this flat, but we must have done something rulllll amazing in our past lives because this little deal we have is too wonderful. Samantha is sitting next to me with no trousers on.

I feel bad for RB because we bolted out of the door at the last possible minute (The Abbey way) and we left him here to find his way to Gatwick on his own. He's an independent bloke, so I had no worries. Let me just say, I hate ryanair and Luton airport. I can't really complain since it's SOOOOOO cheap, though. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, I'll deal. I was also dying from the worst cold I've had in a long time (total duration: 1.5 weeks), so I was just not in a good place. That all changed, however, once I stepped foot on Roma soil. Fantastic feeling. Overwhelmed with fatigue, we went straight to our hostel and walked right into a communist protest. Picture hundreds upon hundreds of Italian youth, all dressed in red, drinking, dancing, partying and screaming communist chants. It was interesting. Too bad I'm not communist, otherwise I probably would have grabbed a beer. We went on this bus tour and saw most of the Roman sites via a moving vehicle, but the steady driving put me to sleep after the first hour. It was a good place to nap, I would say. Once we got off, I got my period. Yup, I said it. My PERIOD. Sometimes I wonder: there are so many older women who chose not to have babies. That means that they've spent most of their lives having to endure cramps, pms and all that ish... for WHAT??? YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BABIES!! Let's figure this out. Linda. She's 55 years old, child-less of course. She got her period at the ripe age of 13. 55-13x12=504 WASTED PERIODS!!! Absolutely not. I would tell Linda to go get pregnant asap before those 504 periods become utterly useless. What a shame.

So yeah, I got my period. Then we toured Rome by foot. Rome is SO beautiful at night. Everything just glimmers. Miranda and I found a place to grab a beer and we were off to sleep. We woke up early, got dressed up and headed to the Vatican to hopefully attend a mass service; it wasn't open the entire time we were there, only for the mass on Sunday. We waited for a few hours, but we were pretty much at the front of the line. Then, all of a sudden, everyone pulls out their tickets... tickets??? We didn't know we needed tickets to get into the Vatican. We opted to stay in line and maybe beg our way in? About 20 minutes later, a Priest who was standing in front of us eerily turns around and makes direct eye contact with Miranda and asked her if she needed a ticket. She asked for four and out of NOWHERE, we landed tickets. It was creepy, clearly a sign that we were meant to attend the service, which took us by surprise when we figured out it was a canonization service led by the POPE!!! There were hundreds of people there from all over the world, and we were practically front row. I didn't realize how huge it was until I saw it on the news the next night. When the mass was over, we saw the Pantheon and made our way to the train to Florence. Just assume that every 2-3 hours, we inhaled either pasta, pizza, bruscetta or gelato. Of the three cities we went to, Rome had the best food.

My general thoughts on Rome: like I said, amazinggggg food, and soooo many BEAUTIFUL people. I was convinced that all the beautiful people lived in Italy... until I went to France, but thats a concept that will be explained later. I felt like I was thrown into history walking through such an ancient city. I've spent years learning about ancient Rome, and getting to finally go was just... remarkable. The city was remarkable. I also thought it was interesting that we could get by knowing only 7 phrases: Gratzie, Prego, scuzzi, chiao, bonjorno, perfavore and mi dispirache. Literally those were the only Italian words we knew, and we all got by just fine. And again, the beautiful people. WOW.

Also, our hostel wasn't that great.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oblidi, Oblida

GOOD NEWS: My computers fixed!!

BAD NEWS: I can't pay for it just yet...

GOOD NEWS: I just finished my paper for tomorrow!

BAD NEWS: It took me all day... I blame facebook.

GOOD NEWS: Italy this weekend, followed by Amsterdam & The Rest of RB's visit (which has been exceptional thus far)

BAD NEWS: I think I'm coming down with whatever sickness Charlotte's been stricken with for the past week.

Let's end on some good news...
A random Brit told me today that I had a "sweet hoody" on. I'd say that constitutes as good news.

Till I get the money to pay for my computer- Adieu.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

London Weekend=SUCCESS

Thanks to the brilliance of my wonderful sight-seeing companion, Charlotte, London Weekend was a success. For the last week or two, we told ourselves we would spend an entire weekend seeing the sites of Londontown, and somehow we managed to get our arses up and out of bed two days in a row... an accomplishment, if I do say so myself. Friday wasn't very productive [aside from paying our rent], but saturday and sunday were spent visiting Oxford Circus (topshop!!!), Regents Park, Buckingham Palace and Westminster. Rundown:

Oxford Circus: We first went to the apple store to bring in my computer... too fresh of a wound to talk about right now. We FINALLY went to topshop, and I indulged in a fresh jean jacket and purple flats- both on sale :) Neither, however, compare to Charlotte's AMAZING red Dorothy flats. Fabulous. We walked around the area for a few hours and discovered a bunch of really amazing stores and boutiques. I also stumbled across the "Vogue House"... day-maker. *For those who aren't that into fashion, it's the London Vogue office!!* You better believe I took a picture. After Oxford Circus, we went to Primark in Marble Arch to pick up some items for that night's festivities. No worries, I'll elaborate in a hot minute. We hit up Regents Park last- a beautiful way to end our Saturday adventure. We found a small, sunny area on the grass and shifted between small naps and people watching. It was so so so relaxing and the park was so beautiful. I forgot how wonderful parks are! Later that night, we got doll'd up and went out to Howard Howard's friend's birthday party. Funnn stuff. It made me realize that I don't go to enough dance parties. Between the size-too-small shoes I wore, the "bruise" on my eye from when some guy elbowed me in the face, and the soreness from my drunken dancing, I'm in a bit of pain, but usually when you wake up in pain, it means you had a good night... right? Anyway, I hope they have another party. Soon. I'd love to repeat that night (hint hint to howard howard if he's reading this!).

Sunday: We got up ruullll early and Charlotte and I saw the changing of the guards which was pretty cool, and then we got to tour Buckingham Palace!!! Of all the things I did this weekend, that was definitely the best. It was one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen, and the art work was out of control. We know that The Queen has the largest art collection in the world (thanks, TK), and seeing just a fraction of it was incredible. It's also insane how much history that building has... it's a little overwhelming, but still wonderful. I would recommend it, but the tours end next week :( Anyway, after Buckingham Palace, we got AMAZING hot dogs in Green Park and chilled out for a little while. While there, we saw a Palestinian protest in the streets against Israel. It was loud and passionate and intense. I also saw 2 men in black panther shirts walk by during the march. I forget that political activism happens outside of America, too. After watching the march, we went to Westminster and saw the Big Ben and the London Eye. We also walked around the area and once again, people watched.

We've seen a lot of these sights before, but we took the free weekend [and really good weather] as a chance to further explore these places and for photoshoots. Let's not talk about how many pictures we took. Charlotte and I also promised each other that we'd see/explore something new at least once a week. We want to make the most of our time here and if anyone else wants to tag along, they're more than welcome to :)

Soooooo yeah. Great weekend! Next week: Hyde Park, Portobello Road, FABRIC!!, and random adventures with RB!!! Can't wait.

Till later, Peace.