Monday, October 20, 2008

Bad Day.

I feel so naive for not seeing this coming. It was bound to catch up to me sooner or later, and today I realized I couldn't maintain a blind eye to the matter any longer. What matter exactly? DEBT. Much to my chagrin, the horoscope that I read obsessively each month has come true, despite my praying that for some reason, there might be a glitch in the reading. I owe so much money, to so many people... it's overwhelming. Apparently I have to pay $100 for my Amsterdam living situation, 60 pounds for my oyster, 455 pounds to my landlord, $600 to my BANK... until I can muster up $450, my computer will remain at the Apple headquarters in Oxford Circus. Let's be real here, I'm stuck in a shit position right now. The only thing I was able to "pay" back today were my two wayyyy overdue library books. I found all of this out TODAY. All within the last 10 hours. I also need money to survive here in London, mind you. My groceries are quickly disappearing. To add insult to injury, my "calling credit" as the automated voice on my phone calls it is running low, and as soon as I stepped foot outside of the ICLC, it started raining. Then as I was walking home, a speeding car drove past a puddle which sprayed water all over me. Then I broke a glass bottle on the kitchen floor and couldn't fully clean it up because we just ran out of paper towels and I couldn't find our broom. I hope this makes you feel better about your life.

Bad, bad day.

1 comment:

Adam said...

My heart weeps for you. Just know that I feel your pain. Can you still scrounge 6 pounds for pizza tonight?