Sunday, September 7, 2008

"Don't Worry, Willy, We're Not Going Under the Bridge!"

Procrastination: We all do it. If you say you don't, you're lying. It's matter-of-fact. Here's my take on the big "P": I think it's necessary; obviously counter-productive, but necessary. Seriously, though, think about it- how can someone memorize 4 pages of elevated speech without a break... to blog? IMPOSSIBLE. Thus, I've resulted to my handy-dandy blogspot-dot-com account to rest my brain for a hot minute.

Before I talk about my day [briefly], I'd like to share just how disappointed I am with the London Paper's horoscope section. They LIED! They told me, very specifically, that someone loves me (in terms of romance) and that they'd "come clean" this weekend. The only person who did so was the 55+ Jamaican record shop worker in Camden Markets. He wanted my number, I wanted to know if he had any geenie to sell, which he didn't. Seriously??? Is that who supposedly loves me??!? It seems that "love" has hit everyone around me, and I've been hit-on by crackheads, construction workers, and 55+ Jamaican men. The Gods must not love me (although they did send a hot pair of sunglasses my way). Maybe someone was about to tell me they loved me but got distracted? Or maybe fate intervened [negatively] and sent them walking/running/driving in the opposite direction? If you're reading this and you love me, let me know! Maybe then I won't feel so... tricked. I've been had by the London Paper and I'm not afraid to admit it. (p.s. go team Goldenblatt)

Moving on...

Woke up from a frighteningly long sleep, did some laundry and went to Camden Markets, for the first time, with Charlotte and Willz Million Dolla Billz. Just picture 20-plus blocks of nothing but shops. Cool, right? As cool as it was, however, it was a little overwhelming. A little advice: if you plan to go to Camden Markets, go early! I found a pretty good vintage store and I got a few things, one of which would be the shades previously mentioned. I wandered off and found a reggae music shop (where the 55+ guy hit on me). Let me explain that little geenie incident: I made Willz Milli go back with me to find that same guy, and he tried to send me underneath this sketchy ass bridge. Hell to the NO! I don't want to get shanked or robbed, and I wasn't willing to compromise the well-being of Willz Milli. If he got shanked, I don't know what I'd do with myself. I'd probably cry. So we ixne'd that idea and went to get sushi. Tots delish. Gotta give Willz Milli his props, though, on being calm and collected in a time of crisis. What a sweetheart. To show him a little gratitude, I invited him to use our stolen internet to write an email. 

Things to look forward to for tomorrow:
1. Finally buying some wax so that I can take care of my unibrow situation.
2. Checking out a pair of [cheap] kicks that I've discreetly been eyeing for a while.
3. Seeing a good version of Hedda Gabler. With no Jeff Tangeman. 
4. Drying my jeans at the Laundromat with Char to get rid of the saggy-bottoms :)

Till tomorrow, cheers. 

P.S. In case you were wondering, Howard Howard did not steal my laptop. 

1 comment:

Adam said...

Whoa, weird, for some reason I was under the impression that we had been invited to the market with you...but then strangely enough no one called us all day and I assumed you didn't go. At least now I know the truth. And you know what? The truth stings.