Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Search for Miranda's Missing Ben & Jerry's...

Today was a day FULL of surprises:

1. I walked in late to Tim Kidd's class, a huge no-no, and he didn't even care. I'll elaborate in a minute. 
2. Charlotte washed her clothes today (whites w/ her colors) and her blue jeans inadvertently turned her new white cami's and panties blue... yayy for new sleep clothes! 
3. After a very filling-slash-satisfying Indian dinner with the 'mates, we went to a 24 hr food and wine store so Miranda could get ice cream [to satisfy her sweet tooth!]. Little did she know, the Ben & Jerry's pint slipped out of her already shredded plastic bag a little less than a mile from our flat... oops. I was convinced someone took it, but they laughed at me. Despite the fact that I had to poop like a mother (understatement), the three of us pivoted and searched for the ice cream. Out of nowhere, Charlotte started sprinting forward, screaming "There it is!! There it is!!!" I assumed she found it, so I stopped running. I'm lazy, we already knew this. Anyway, she brought back the ice cream and saved the day!! I think people who work at convenient stores, or any store for that matter, should give their paying customers bags without holes in them. Moral of the story: people will take your wallet, your ipod, your LAPTOP (r.i.p.), but they won't take you're Ben & Jerry's. Good to know. 

So about Interrelationships today: I bought a dress from this store called Primark last weekend- amaazzzinnngggg store. They have great clothes, all of which extremely cheap; I was in heaven. I'm not used to the one-size-up rule yet, the sizes run smaller here than they do in the states, so the dress didn't fit me. Tim Kidd's class didn't start until 1:45 so I woke up early, got dressed, and tubed my arse over to Marble Arch to exchange it for a bigger size. I accomplished what I needed to accomplish [and picked up a nice pair of black flats for 4 pounds!], and I left with a little less than an hour to get to class... a trip that would usually take 15 minutes TOP. Unbeknownst to me, the circle line, MY line, was delayed. I waited about 20 minutes for a train that also happened to stall midway. Sucks, I know. Once I got to Gloucester, I booked it to class and walked in about a minute after he started class. Corey pointed out that I was technically "on time" and that Tim had just started class early. Maybe that's why he didn't care. TK even smiled at me during class! I think he has a proper crush on me, but that's between me and you. All that matters is that I have yet to be "voted off the island." 
Now it's about 11:15 p.m., or 23:15 rather, and Samantha isn't back from her hot date yet. She told me they were going bowling, and I laughed because I thought she was kidding... apparently she wasn't. I just want her to come home because I'm tired and I want to hear about it before I pass out... so I can dream about one day having a British boyfriend of my own. Gotta get my beauty sleep for my long day of walking around Greenwich with the Kidd. Maybe if I block out the other 30 something people, it'll almost be as if he and I were on a date. A girl can only dream, I guess. We see our third show tomorrow, Frozen, which is actually one of my favorite plays ever! I'll talk about my play experiences tomorrow, assuming I'll be awake... and sober. We never know. 

Still so much to talk about! It'll happen, I give you my word. 
Also, special shouts to ABERLZ!!! (remember your promise!)


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