Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"You Guys... He Was So Polite to the Hobo's!"

A proper blog title to parallel the proper date that Samantha went on last night. Not gonna lie, Miranda, Charlotte and I were worried by the fact that we might have sent Samantha on a date with some british maniac. While perched on the kitchen bench awaiting her return, we fully plotted the impending death of he who goes by the alias of "Howard Howard"... let's just say it's a good thing he brought her back in one piece. Between the broken wine bottles, the rope from Woolworth's and Miranda's diabetes needles, he would have ended up pulse-less in our oversized garbage bin in the backyard. Brutal. In case you were wondering- and I'm sure you were- she had an excellent time. Apparently he was a perfect gentlemen [with good taste in food... can't be mad about that]. And no, they didn't go bowling like I was told. Props to That Cheung Guy for his contribution towards making my Sammy happy! :)

And now, after a delightful day of wining, dining, walking [a lot], and theatre-ing with TK, the four of us gals are lucky enough to have both ABERLZ and Willy nestled in our living room. Before I go on, I would like to comment on how well-mannered Willy is. He always let the girls walk before him, sit down before him, etc. I already gave him kudos for it. LADIES: If you're looking for a great guy, Willy's sittin' pretty in London! Except don't go after him, he has a girlfriend. Anywayyyyy, they all just finished watching the video we girls took of us preparing the house for a fancy get-together with friends. Innocent, right? The catch: we had just accidentally finished four bottles of wine. We're beasts. It's pretty funny, actually. 

As for our day, we spent it walking through the beautiful Greenwich part of town. We saw a lot of really really really old buildings with tons of history; I have it all written down in my notebook, but I can't remember anything off hand. All of it was extremely gripping, I WILL tell you that much! We saw Frozen, which I liked, despite the horrendous acting from that blonde chick. And the cough of death through the entire second act. Still, it was pretty good.

NEWS OF THE DAY: Miranda got a picture of TK smiling!! For those of you who only know of this Tim Kidd character from the stories I tell, it's kind of a big deal. 

BAD NEWS OF THE DAY: I overslept and was late for my acting class. And I lost some 'moola' because of it. The class was also a little rough, though a part of me thinks it's all in my head. Nevertheless, I just don't think it's my week. :( At least I get to see Tim's chip and cheery face tomorrow! Something marvelous to look forward to. 

Plenty play reviews to come. 
Keep reading. 
Cheers, mate. 

P.S. That Cheung Guy, if you're reading, you need to find me a baby daddy ASAP. (I know where you live)

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