Sunday, September 7, 2008

Planting The Seed.

Tonight was fun! Dinner was delish, thanks to Charlotte who slaved for a few hours cooking lasagna. The crowds of people who came afterwards only enhanced the merrymaking. Tadbits, the drinking game we created, was a huge success!! Howard Howard played too, which pretty much made my MONTH. ABERLZ wore his fancy shmancy vest, SNELLIS showed up wasted, and together, we all had a good time. I also got to wear my pink kicks... just cause I wanted to. Howard Howard says he's gonna hook me up with some geenie. We'll see if it actually happens. There might have been a little drama, but I'll spare you to keep up the jolly mood of this post. Semi-final words: cheers to a delightful and rather insightful night. 

P.S. Howard Howard is apparently crashing on our lair-thingy. I love him, but if I wake up and my laptop is gone, I might just have to kick his ass. 

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