Thursday, September 18, 2008

"...hey Nani Nani" -TK

...I shouldn't have picked up the 5 pounds (*see last entry). Just as I had predicted, karma has bitch-slapped me across the face; it continues to perpetuate this miserable luck I've been having lately, and all I can do is watch and play victim to its bullying. It's borderline depressing. I keep getting these "one hour colds," as I call them, where I wake up and feel miserable for about an hour before the "cold" abruptly disappears; I got burned on my face by a straightening iron; I finished my carton of cigs; I even got my period a week and a half EARLY... on a school trip! The worst: Monday night, I carried my computer from the kitchen to my bedroom. Within that 15 second span, my computer decided to malfunction and now, for some reason, my screen is COVERED with a wide array of colored lines and a thick, black slash traveling down the center. I can't fix it. Miranda thinks somethings wrong with the pixels or something, I'm not quite sure; computer jargon is not my expertise. I figure the very friendly apple people will know how to solve my little dilemma. This means that I will drag my ass to Oxford Circus in the a.m. to see if they can do anything for me. Based on my very basic knowledge of computers, it looks like they might need to completely replace it... am I going to lose all my shit? My programs? My pictures? My bookmarks on my "favorites" bar for firefox? Whether I lose everything or not, I will still be computer-less for the next few weeks, meaning limited blogs [and no new pics for you facebook fans]. I just don't understand how my computer can get effed up so quickly! I have a Mac. Last I heard, Apple was ruling the world. Rulers don't have these issues. Apple- you need to get your act together asap.

I'm close to tears [thinking about my computer], so we'll move on.

Stratford-Upon-Avon/Oxford was a nice little getaway. We stayed in this cute b&b and we got to do the High School Musical jump outside of Shakespeare's house!! -classy. We also saw A Midsummer Night's Dream, which was wonderful, and I got to chill out and drink Stella's with some members of the cast. Don't worry, I managed to get pictures (of course I brought my camera!), only you'll have to wait a couple of weeks to see them. Speaking of cameras, my new camera is sooooo great! I did nothing to deserve it. This just means I need to get my mom a more than spectacular christmas gift.
We (the girls and I) encountered a rather odd character in Stratford. We were all eating our "gourmet burgers," which were tres delicieux, and this short, stalky man approaches us, stridently staring at Ms. Samantha. He stands there awkwardly for a very, very long moment and says in one big slur: "Is that a natural smile or is it a fake one?" ...I can't even give him an A-for-effort, that was just sloppy. He was persistent, though, I'll give him that much. He tried his best to court all of us, and as he approached me, I quickly let him know I wasn't feelin' it. I don't play- at least not with middle aged drunk men. Instead of focusing on us, he should have spent more attention to that receding hair line (don't think I didn't see it!). They have Rogaine in the UK, don't they? Anyway, it was a good time and I'm glad I went!

If you're London and you want to see the musical "Never Forget"- don't. (But thanks to Sam for getting us tickets!)

Till tomorrow (or the next time I get access to a computer), peace.

P.S. Shouts to Howard Howard for reading my blog! You are written about quite frequently, so it is only fair that you view at your own discretion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo yo. I think that story from the pub will never be forgotten. Great. Hahahah.

Good luck with your Mac. I finally got an appt. at the Genius Bar to get my power adapter replaced and handle issues I've been having with my battery. It sounds like it's just a display issue, so hopefully it won't effect your data. But, you might want to try to back it up somehow (external hard drive) if it's important enough to you.

Have fun in Portugal!
Take lots of pictures. :]