Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Life in "The Abbey" Thus Far...

Yayy for my first blog! ...or at least since my middle school xanga. :)

Before I actually write anything with any "real" meaning what-so-ever, let me apologize for the lack of effort that has gone in to the aesthetic of this blog; I figure I'll just 'do it tomorrow.' B-T-Dubs, for those who don't know me, I consider that to be my life motto. And as a mini-disclaimer: DO NOT expect this to be brilliant- or well written. Seriously. My brain power is spent thinking about onesies and painfully bright clothing. Truth is there is only one Adam Berley and he already has an amazing blog, apparently... word on the street. *If you're reading this, shouts to A-Berlz. You'll never admit it, but I know you love the nickname!* Let's get serious for a hot minute: I might be a little covert with my true feelings about having a blog, but truthfully, I'm pretty excited. I might not spend my saturday nights updating, but at least I can talk about people as much as I want! How advantageous. 


Tomorrow- actually today, technically!- marks the two week anniversary since I landed in Londontown. You know what that means!! Many celebrations and nonsensical debaucheries to look forward to. [And by nonsensical debaucheries, CLEARLY I mean dreaming about the stud that is my Interrelationships teacher, Timothy Kidd- look forward to my many, many stories of him in future blogs, assuming I remember I started one.] As for what interrelationships actually is, I couldn't tell you. All I know is that I get to see a million plays every week... and write an 800 word journal about them. Yay. The journal, however, is the only bad part of the class; everything else is splendid! Tonight we saw a musical called The Harder They Come... amazing. I could talk forever about that show, so I'll save it for another blog. All I know is that it closes in about 2 weeks, and if you're in London [and haven't seen it], i highly suggest it. It's the second play I've seen so far here... and secretly the first one I actually liked, only it's not a secret anymore- again, savin' it for another blog. 

*Samantha is talking to her mom on skype or something... probably with that little headset thing she has. I'm waiting for her to get off so *Charlotte and I can pick out her outfit for her hot British date tomorrow. If you're not as jealous as I am, something's clearly wrong with you. 

On a closing note:
Funny pun that ABERLZ made up tonight ON-THE-SPOT at a random pub!! Why was the polar bear scared to go home to his wife? Because he was on thin ice. HAH. 


EDIT!!! I think the Dorf photoshopped herself into pictures with various reality celebs from the greater California region... unfortunately we will never find out the truth. What a bizarre child. 

1 comment:

Adam said...

Bahahaha, I had a smile on my face the whole way through. I do hope you keep posting, I'll totes read it.

Also I appreciate the shoutout, and will only continue to read your blog if you give me a shoutout in every post.

And that is a promise.